We are losing our voice and the Wall of Truth is a chance for us to tell the truth very visibly.
When objecting to planning applications, how we feel and the things that we are most concerned about are often dismissed as not relevant, or important to those making decisions.
But on -The Wall of Truth - we have a chance to say what we really feel.
Take a look at Carrol Rock and Loch Brora, learn what it means to us, how beautiful it is and then tell us what you think.
This video does not have music and that is deliberate as the people who love this special place don’t hear music when they come, they hear peace.
learn moreThe area all around Carrol Rock, Strath Brora and beyond, has and continues to offer up, so much enjoyment and information on our ancestors and life in the past..
learn morePeople come from the Highlands, our local communities and from all over the world to relax in front of Carrol Rock for their wellbeing, their mental health and to feel joy.
learn more