It is hoped that the information that has been shared with you via mail, Facebook, and on this site, will encourage you to do your own research, and become better informed than if you merely accepted what is fed to the press by energy companies and career Politicians. It is also hoped that our local papers will begin speaking with our affected neighbours all around Scotland - Highlands, Islands and Lowlands alike. Often their stories are more real, true and helpful to us than those we read or see in mainstream press. We are important and neither they nor we should feel alone in what we are facing. Reach out and share.
On the page about Carrol Rock and Loch Brora it is hoped that for those who live here, it is a reminder of what we have and what we will lose if we do not act. Please do not sit back and leave it to your neighbour to act, if they are thinking the same, nobody will act. Those driving what is happening to the Highlands and our communities are counting on us being lethargic and doing nothing.
We are losing our voice and the Wall of Truth is a chance for us to tell our truth visibly. When objecting to planning applications, how we feel and the things that we are most concerned about, are often dismissed as not relevant or important to those making decisions.
The Wall of Truth is YOUR chance to say what YOU feel.
The Wall is for everyone. If you think what is happening is good for the Highlands, the pylons are acceptable, a necessary thing that will save the planet, bring us local jobs and prosperity then tell us. Don't be silent. It is important that the Wall shows a true reflection of those for and those against.
So, based on the information that you have and what you now understand is being planned for Carrol Rock and Loch Brora. Based on the belief that democracy should enable us to be part of decisions that affect us. Please consider the following question and tell us your answer. Your decision. Your entry will be pinned to the wall within 1 to 2 working days subject to the volume of posts.
In the "Are you..." field, If you think NO select against the pylons and tell us why not. If you think YES select in favour and tell us why. If you are not sure select undecided and tell us why you are unsure. You can use a sentence, a paragraph or more. You are not limited. Please do not use offensive language.…..Let’s tell the truth.