Pylons give off EMF ( Electro Magnetic Frequency). This is harmful to all living beings, as although we are also beings of electro frequency, pylons interfere with our frequency causing GS (Geopathic Stress). This, if not caught will lead to various cancers. What Geopathic Stress does is basically damage our immune systems. These structures do not need to be built. Although there has been a push back on knowledge, And Nicola Tesla was eradicated for knowledge he gained within his life time- he found a greener way of producing power. Energy companies should invest in this rather than blighting the landscape with power lines. The greed these companies exhibit is disgusting. Like I said to one woman- can you sleep peacefully and with a clear conscience knowing you are going to give me, and all the local people cancer? I also said to her, that once it's gone, it's gone forever, and you can't eat money.