Absolutely not acceptable.
No transparency in any of it other (to me anyway) than the need, greed and power mongering of a few (likely behind the scenes puppeteering the action). I for one do not believe a word of what is supposedly required and am also very tired as many others – truthfully – angered, that our voices are not being heard. It is beyond time to draw a line on this “money & we are telling you how this will go” project, with desolation for both land and people here and beyond. Lets face it – this is an age old pattern in the Highlands, that has had its time and cannot be allowed to continue.
There is no time left to pass the buck to others – we are here now and since we are, then let’s have the back bone to say how we actually feel, rather than be led like lemmings over the cliff of no return. The whole thing is unsustainable. The force and subterfuge in many halls, with which we are being met when we say so – certainly for me – is evidence that there is much beneath unspoken, merely a money deal, never meant to be for our benefit, nor our children. The energetic fall out from pylons half the size proposed is a health hazard if not killer for life be it human, animal, plant and landscape in which we all call home. Checking behind the presented and do the research…. We are bombarded by toxicity daily. It is part of why our beautiful landscape here in the North flourishes the way it does, even when we don’t feel our best the beauty allows us to feel better than many in more densely populated areas. Lets keep it that way It is time to pull together, get real and claim our voice and space in this particular arena.
We all know, that a trapped, dying creature will use whatever force, aggression or deceptive tactics to either get free or to take with it whatever it can. I see this as that - so much of what we have known and perhaps gone along with is no longer sustainable. Without a currency of care, many projects are frankly now doomed to fail. Even the insidious suggestions that there is no stopping this – REALLY!! Total manipulation by those involved and stand to gain. In truth more people are becoming aware and the bullies in the playground unmasked Tiny truths have been interwoven with lies attempting to confuse, distract and divide us. This is a time when anyone, with any willingness to actually face and question life is asking – what the heck is going on? And surely after that is - what can I do to play my part to create something greater? No one has control or power over anyone UNLESS that person allows it for whatever reason.. work together rather than staying in fear of that Big Brother obnoxiousness. No judgement - times are scary and we require one another.
A currency of care and maybe older values - including generosity where possible, each according to our unique selves. The proposals are not only shortsighted but also outrageous in size. More and more of us daily - know and/or see what lies behind this and if it goes ahead it won’t stop. So simply put we require to ensure it dies as cleanly as possible now. No more giving in to the spin doctors of insinuation, proposing that they have a right to decide over our heads. We as the people, stewards of this land, ARE the 99% and when so called "public servants"!!???!! (what on earth does that mean nowadays anyway? – Nanny/ Big Brother / Big Bully pretending to care?) along with big co operatives stop listening, thinking they can run amuck without true accountability - then their day is done. Pressing that eject from planet Earth button right now. .gosh that I/we could. Don’t get me started. We may require to consider new solutions and fresh perspectives – in many areas - starting perhaps right here Let’s be open rather than inflexible and despondent.
Let‘s bring this home, rather than being remembered as the ones who let agents of ignorance, greed and stupidity walk right over us with destruction and desolation in their wake, so there is little beauty left for ourselves and those who come after.