November 28, 2024


When is enough going to be "enough"?

When are communities and people going to be listened to?

When are energy companies and governments going to stop misleading communities?

Having attended all public hearings regarding this horrendous planned pylon line that have been held in Brora, I can say with absolute certainty that not one person's view has been listened to. All subsequent meetings were testament to that when it came to SSEN's "update" plans for Loch Brora. SSEN gave us 2 options, both crossing Loch Brora, in front of Carrol Rock - neither option was agreed to; however SSEN made a big song and dance to us "stakeholders" saying they had listened and showed the final plan - the same giant pylons going across Loch Brora!!

They refuse to acknowledge and accept that we are asking for the cables to be put in the ground citing cost; they made over 2 billion pounds profit last year, I'm sure there is enough in that pot to put cables in the ground instead of over Loch Brora and Carrol Rock.

SSEN do not care, have no respect, demonstrate an arrogant and patronising attitude when it comes to their mega plans. Clean energy and energy security is the future, we all acknowledge that and agree its the way forward BUT, do it sensitively, with care and the right planning involving local communities from the beginning STOP paying lip service and ticking your endless boxes.......Loch Brora and Carrol Rock are a precious commodity, to be respected for our future - DO THE RIGHT THING!!

Linda Malcolm
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